Darlington Primary School

Darlington Primary School

Costs and Contributions

Contributions, Charges & Personal Items
Download a copy of the latest charges as approved by the School Council.

Parents will receive a copy of the schedule of Contributions and Charges for the school year. This is to support additional programs during the year. It is school policy to minimise expense to parents as far as possible, so these charges are carefully considered. Please contact the school should you need to arrange alternative payment methods.


Voluntary contributions assist the school to provide a wide range of rich learning experiences which are appropriately resourced. It strongly communicates your support of the school you chose for your child. The School contribution is just $60 per child.

The P & C contribution of $30 pays for all the running costs of the association. It allows for 100% of their fundraising effort to be directed at enhancing student experiences and resources.

All families are invoiced for this contribution, hoping that all families will see the value in paying it. You are encouraged to pay your contribution in the first few weeks of the school year.

Our School

The school is located on a beautiful three-hectare site in the heart of the Darlington village, in the hills east of Perth. In 2012, the school celebrated its Centenary and maintains a long and strong tradition of providing quality education for children from the local area. It is not uncommon for current students to have followed their parents and grandparents in attending the school.

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