Darlington Primary School

Darlington Primary School

Parents and Citizens

Darlington Parents & Citizens Information Pack
Download your copy.

Darlington Parents & Citizens Membership Form
Download your form.

Darlington Parents & Citizens Constitution & Rules
Download your copy.

Darlington Primary has an active P&C whose major objectives are:

  • promoting cooperation between parents, teachers, students and members of the general community;
  • assisting in the provision of resources, facilities and amenities
  • fostering community interest in educational matters.

Parents are encouraged to attend meetings to learn about programs operating in the school, share information, help shape policy and plans, and build positive attitudes to education.

The P & C meetings are held in the staff room and are usually on Monday evenings @ 7.00pm in the second and second last week of term – check the term planner, school calendar and newsletter for exact dates.

All parents and other citizens of our community are most welcome. If parents/community members are unable to attend meetings, they are welcome to approach P & C members to discuss their ideas or assist in fundraising ventures.

A representative of the P & C is also on the School Council.

Executive Committee 2024

  • President - Lucy Banner
  • Vice President - Adrian Ralph
  • Secretary - Lyndal Ebert
  • Treasurer - Rachael Tegart
  • Executive Committee - Adrian Woodley
  • Executive Committee - Fiona Gordon
  • Executive Committee - Harriot D'Emden

Uniform Shop Co-Ordinator:

  • Linnea Selier

Uniform Shop Sub-committee:

  • Emma Reid
  • Kate Anderson
  • Lisa Peach

Events Co-Ordinator:

  • Helen Backhouse

Grounds Project Co-Ordinator:

  • Harriot D'Emden

Book Club Co-Ordinator:

  • Zaskia Tang

Canteen Sub-committee:

  • Fiona Gordon
  • Kendall Earnshaw
  • Valerie Michaille

Our School

The school is located on a beautiful three-hectare site in the heart of the Darlington village, in the hills east of Perth. In 2012, the school celebrated its Centenary and maintains a long and strong tradition of providing quality education for children from the local area. It is not uncommon for current students to have followed their parents and grandparents in attending the school.

Learn more about our school...